Ideas for transitions & attention getting tips

These are all videos:


  • Songs
  • Rhymes
  • Bell
  • Countdowns
  • Use varied signals to spice it up


  • Song “Everybody have a sit”

o   She changes the rhyme based on students’ suggestions to keep it fresh

  • Invisible Bubble Wand
  • Guessing game“What’s in my busy box?”

o   Use of the voice à whisper

o   lots of language involved and they are curious about it

o   It doesn’t have to be something especially prepared for the box, just part of the material you are going to use that day, or something related, for example, the story you are going to share with them.


  • Physical Release
  • Breathing
  • Drum roll


  • Game “Mingle and Count”

o   Teacher: “1,2,3 eyes on me” – Students: “1, 2, eyes on you!”

o   First Rules – the teacher enunciates the rule but the girl provides an example (!!!!!) This is why we have to provide concrete situations for them to understand

o   “Who can raise the hand, not the voice”

o   We can change the task and for example, give them secret cards, and ask them to gather according to a certain criterion.

o   By asking them questions to check if the groups are ok, she is constantly asking them to do something and to be alert. She keeps them busy and they also become aware of how they organized.

o   Children who do not mingle correctly are not left out. They are asked to do something the next time they play (flap their wings, ribbit like a frog)

o   By playing they learn to multiply!


Brain Break

  • Children need to move, hydrate and oxygen their brains.